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This is the third time having drains & up until now they haven’t really bothered me. But for some reason I’m finding this one particularly uncomfortable & sore, so I’m looking forward to having it removed! I don’t think covid has helped, as everything feels extra achy & tender.

Some people have their drains out relatively quickly – it varies, dependent on your Surgeons preference & how much you’re draining. My Surgeon likes to keep them in for 2 weeks, so each time I’ve done just that, alongside a course of Co-amoxiclav to help prevent any infection.

The removal process itself isn’t overly pleasant; it’s an odd sensation feeling the internal tube slide across your chest & it can be quite painful. But normally with one deep breath & in one sharp swoop, they’re out & the discomfort soon settles.

I’m longing for a drain free shower! 😌 It’s pretty awkward trying to avoid getting the site wet, whilst being unable to raise your arms above shoulder height… (A little tip is to clip your drain to a lanyard around your neck or shower holder to make it easier). Thankfully my Mum has been on hand to help me wash my hair over the bath; another task added to her long list of caring duties (bless her heart).

There’s all the other stuff too; not being able to push, pull or lift things, kettle included! I feel very grateful to have my Mum, Step-Dad & partner at my aid, plumping my pillows & waiting on me. 💗

Also, very grateful to my neighbour for making me some drain dollies (bags) that I’ve certainly put to good use!

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