Relentless – Reflection – Recognition

I've been reflecting a lot lately.  Not just on health but on life in general.  What ‘career’ path I want to take, where I would like to 'settle down', how to better myself as a person, how many cats and dogs I would like to have in future (I already know the answer to that…

Killing cancer with kindness.

Kindness is a gift in itself and we all experience it in so many ways.  We go about our every day business, sometimes oblivious to simple acts of kindness, but from the perspective of a cancer patient (well, my perspective anyway), senses seem somewhat heightened to the good in everyday.  Perhaps because we seek the positives to draw…

Patient patient.

My stay at Birmingham was probably my easiest of all my hospital admissions.  I actually felt relatively OK in myself to begin with, but my bloods and polka dot skin told a different story. I was glad for Mum to arrive with a bag of clothes and familiar belongings from  home.  I'd been dressed in a…

Cold cap & chemo.

Wednesday 21st October 2015 = Round 1 of chemo! After numerous appointments at various hospitals, it was decided that I would receive my chemotherapy on the Young Person's Unit at Birmingham QE Hospital.  Initially, I was given the option to have my treatment at Kidderminster hospital.  I wanted to scope out my options so asked to…

The breast bomb.

Before I deliver the obvious crappy news to the world, let me rewind to an amazing weekend with one of my best friends, Ella.  This weekend will always be significant and stand out to me, not only for the obvious (it being a load of fun!) but also because it was the weekend before my…