Lung Clot & Fecking FEC

10th December 2015 LUNG CLOT ALERT! Just a few days after being discharged from my 10 day stay in hospital, I found myself back in A&E!! Upon my last hospital admission, I had experienced a sudden onset of severe pain in my ribs.  I had no idea what it was or where it came from…

Hair to bare.

After my ten night stay at the fabulous Birmingham QE, I was craving civilisation! Bonfire night has always been one of my favourite nights of the year; I just love being wrapped up, huddled around the warmth of the fire, watching the fireworks.  It's usually the first night of the year my bobble hat and mittens…

Patient patient.

My stay at Birmingham was probably my easiest of all my hospital admissions.  I actually felt relatively OK in myself to begin with, but my bloods and polka dot skin told a different story. I was glad for Mum to arrive with a bag of clothes and familiar belongings from  home.  I'd been dressed in a…